
A warm-hearted Uncle Scrooge

Experts say that Mitt Romney won the first debate on the US presidential elections. Indeed, Barack Obama did not appear as cool and gentleman-like as usual, he seemed stressed and nervous. But Mitt Romney as well presented himself in some other light than the rich scumbag we all know and love. His only faux pas: He answered the question on how to compensate for trillions in tax reductions with "Well, let's cancel public broadcasting then", provoking resentment from fans of Sesame Street.

Great, so Romney is threatening one of the few rays of hope in a chronically dimwitted society with their scripted reality soaps and casting shows. Apart from that, Mitt Romney at least pretended to be a sociable and caring human being. So the only thing we have to do, should Romney become president of the United States, is to set up a lot of TV cameras in the White House. While back in Bill Clinton's days, the recorded footage would only be suitable for the nighttime program, it could be cut down to a one-hour daily show and then they would televise it right between America's Got Talent and Wife Swap.

Conclusion of the debate: One of them started talking bullshit, the other one just kept talking his usual bullshit. Basically a draw, but in soccer, Romney would now be the favorite in the presidential race for having the more consistent poor performance.

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